Game Rules

  • A game is 15 minutes in length, i.e. 45000 steps.

  • The first player to accumulate seven (7) points wins the game. If no player accumulates seven points within the designated competition time, the player with the most points wins.

  • To score a point, the puck must fully enter the goal. Rebounds or pucks that get stuck halfway in do not count as a point.

  • When a player makes a goal, the other player serves the puck next.

  • A player may only strike the puck when it is on their side of the centerline.

  • Mallets may not cross the center line when striking the puck.

  • When the puck stops in the middle of the table (20cm width), the puck is reset randomly to one player's side

  • No “topping” the puck—this means players cannot lift their mallet and place it over the puck to hold it in place.

  • No touching the puck with other parts of the robot.

  • Once the puck is on a certain player’s side of the center line, the player has 7 seconds to hit the puck back across the center line. Otherwise a foul is committed and the opponent receives possession of the puck.